1. For facebook, you are not a customer but a product. Facebook is selling you and your personal information: likes, dislikes, politics, religion, purchases etc.
2. The social media company allows others to "harvest" you. Rushkoff states: " Facebook was not breached or hacked by Cambridge Analytica. The Facebook platform was doing exactly what it is programmed to do: Harvest our data, identify our psychological triggers and then manipulate our behavior."
3. Getting off facebook will let you connect to people who really matter to you. "You won't be pinged by those friends from second grade whom you have spent the last 40 years trying to forget. Is that sad?Maybe. Until we migrate to a less corrupted online directory of names and emails, people you no longer know may have a harder time locating you.
4. You will be a happier person and more responsible citizen. "Whether you want to be a more responsible citizen, or simply a happier person, you owe it yourself to get off Facebook any way you can. And I'm here to tell you, you can do it. You are going to be OK. It's not so bad. In fact, it's better.," he says.