The picture of this seal doing a magnificent and natural backbend was taken by my friend and amazing photographer, Vicki Vaniman, while on a recent trip to Antarctica.
Unlike humans, animal beings generally maintain a highly flexible back throughout their lives. Intuitively, they seem to know this is very, very important. Observe your cat or dog and see how many times a day they will stretch out in ways that include a back bend.
We humans tend to be negligent about our back. In so doing we develop back issues of all kinds and become highly vulnerable to back injuries. This results in medical expenses for costly drugs and surgeries, neither of which provide much value to the body.
Here are some benefits of doing backbends regularly, and by regularly, I mean on a daily basis. If you can't discipline yourself to do them at home, then get to a yoga class on a daily basis.
- relieves spinal stiffness
- releases back muscles
- rejuvenates the spine
- brings alertness to body and mind
- reduces risk for back injury
- creates tremendous flexibility of the spine
- makes the entire body agile
- creates spinal length making you taller (not shorter as you age)
- enhances the reflexes
- boosts mental and emotional confidence
- downsizes anxiety and stress
- increases stamina and endurance
- removes chest congestion
- overcomes respiratory issues