“Why me?”
“Why us?”
“Why now?”
“Why is this happening?”
The problem with “Why” questions is that they only feed our dark side, fuel our anxiety pulling and us further down. There are better questions to ask, questions which can lift our spirits when we’re feeling down. Here are some of those:
* What are the chances that one year from now, I’ll feel no better?
* What advice would I give my child or my best friend if he or she were in my shoes?
* When I overcome this issue, how will I be stronger, wiser, deeper and even better for it?
* If I were writing a fiction story of my life, how would I have the main character (me) turn this adversity into an advantage?
* How has this difficulty revealed to me who my true friends are?
* Who could I confide in who would make me feel a little better, a little more hopeful?
* What do I need to do to keep moving ahead with my life?
* Who can I turn to when I need to express and explore what’s going on with me?
Remember, to get the right answers, you have to ask the right questions.