Thus, mantras can generally be divided into two categories: 1) those to develop spiritual an inner progress; 2) those to bring more favorable outer and material needs. A partial list of mantra uses could include:
- raise consciousness
- self-preparation for advancing toward higher states of being
- help transition from mere material concerns to spiritual evolution
- tap into positive, universal energies to overcome troubles and trials
- assist in healing mind, body, emotions and spirit
- remove negativity.
- unite the lower self with the Higher Self.
Mantras are recited in three different ways: 1) out loud; 2) in whispers; 3) silently within the mind. When beginning a mantra practice, it is advisable to start by repeating the mantra out loud to become comfortable with it, then moving toward a whispered mantra eventually reciting it silently in the mind. It is taught that mantras chanted silently within the mind are more powerful because their vibration is beyond ordinary hearing sound.