One evening they heard noise downstairs. A man had gotten drunk and was attempting to break in but having a hard time doing it due to the alcohol. Benedetto crept downstairs and discovered the man unconscious. Evidently he had tripped over some egg crates. The police were called and they explained that if Benedetto pressed charges, he man would be arrested and jailed. Letting out a sigh, Benedetto walked over to the man asking:
“Do you have a job?”
The man shook his head no, too embarrassed to speak.
Then Benedetto told him: “Well, you have one now. You can work for me if you want to.”
The man accepted the offer of employment immediately.
Thinking about that incident, Tony Bennett realized “my father didn’t do it out of pity. He truly felt we had been blessed in America and were obliged to share our blessings with those who were less fortunate.”