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“There are quite a number of authoritative texts in Yoga and Ayurvedic treatises that prescribe Yogic practices for pregnant ladies, both in good health and for those who are not. My own experience shows that such a practice is of considerable benefit to the mother, the unborn child and the child when born.” - T. Krishnamacharya, Essence of Yoga
I just finished a workshop on Yoga and Pregnancy. It was highly informative for me as a yoga teacher and given me some great tools, poses, approaches to use for pregnant women who come to my public classes. Here are ten ways yoga definitely helps during pregnancy:
1. Yoga helps a woman's body adjust to the many changes during pregnancy.
2. Yoga strengthens the main muscles necessary for pregnancy and delivery - those of the pelvic floor, hips and abdominal muscles.
3. Yoga relieves common physical discomforts of pregnancy - lower back pain, insomnia, fatigue.
4. Yoga balances mood shifts due to hormonal changes.
5. Yoga increases pain tolerance.
6. Yoga encourages better, more efficient breathing, something which is vitally important during labor.
7. Yoga, especially in restorative poses, brings comfort to body, mind, spirit and emotions.
8. Yoga empowers women to become more in tune with their bodies and this creates greater pregnancy confidence.
9. Yoga promotes better sleep and greater restfulness.
10. Yoga builds a healthy pregnancy which, in turn, results in a healthy baby.