Upon arrival, Dr. Prasad was immediately escorted to the small hut occupied by Ramana. However, Ramana was not there, nor could he be found. Highly embarrassed, ashram residents continued searching for him eventually finding Ramana sitting among the beggars and homeless who had been carefully placed and hidden away from the visiting dignitary.
After some pleading, the residents persuaded Ramana to return to his hut to meet with India's President. There Dr. Prasad asked Ramana: "Why were you sitting off the property with the beggars?" Ramana responded: "It was repeatedly announced in the ashram that the beggars should go and wait for their meal off under a distant tree. I also have been a begging monk my whole life. That’s why I went and stayed with the other beggars.” Additionally he explained that it had been his policy at the Ashram that food would first be served to animals, then to the beggars, followed by guests and finally to the ashram residents. Ramana's absence was a powerful reminder for the residents to faithfully adhere to that cherished practice regardless of who was visiting the ashram.