By that he means that intelligence is not merely a brain activity but that every part of the body has it’s own unique intelligence. A fascinating example of body intelligence is related by Deepak Chopra, MD., in his book Ageless Body Timeless Mind. There he tells of transplant patients who report unusual experiences after receiving a donated kidney, liver or heart. Without knowing who their donor has been and without knowing whether the donor is male or female, younger or older, they begin to experience memory associations belonging to the donor after his or her tissues are placed inside them. In one case, a woman woke up after a heart transplant craving beer and Chicken McNuggets. This surprised her as she had never been interested consuming either prior to the transplant.
Additionally, she began to have vivid dreams in which a young man named Timothy came to her. Out of curiosity she tracked down the donor of her new heart and learned it had come from the victim of a fatal accident. When she contacted his family, she discovered her donor was a young man named Timothy and was stunned to be told that he had a fondness for drinking beer and that he had been killed on his way home from McDonalds.