(public domain image from www.pixabay.com)
1. Step outside and breath the cool night air taking in the vastness and beauty of the heavens.
2. Sleep in quiet, dark surroundings.
3. A cup of camomile tea taken an hour before bedtime is relaxing.
4. A warm bath.
5. Rest your feet in cold water. dry briskly and massage with oils.
6. Listen to soothing music.
7. Chant Om silently of aloud.
8. Relax in yoga child pose.
9. Have a good mattress, one which is firm.
10. The bedroom should well ventilated, not too cold, not too warm.
11. Practice deep breathing in bed with fingertips on the abdomen.
12. If all else fails, get out of bed and do a few minutes of gentle yoga.
(source; Suza Norton, Yoga For People Over 50, published in1977)