Rakesh Krishnan Simha, writes this about that incident:
A lone Sentinelese tribesman belonging to a Stone Age culture has shown a billion Hindus how to deal with impudent missionaries. Armed with a rudimentary bow and arrow, he heroically defended his tribe’s way of life that has remained unchanged for more than 70,000 years. Instead of nodding his head, listening to drivel about Jesus, god and paradise, he aimed an arrow right through the black heart of American evangelist John Chau. In fact, by his quick action he may have saved his entire tribe from diseases the Westerner may have introduced.
The defining takeaway from the incident is this – had the forefathers of Hindus welcomed the first Christian and Sufi missionaries in a similar manner a thousand years ago, India would never have been colonised. This is why Japan – which killed every single Christian convert and missionary and banned the entry of Europeans for several centuries – remains remarkably free of religious strife while India is facing, to borrow author V.S. Naipaul’s words, a million mutinies.
Hindus must internalise the thought that just like the Sentinelese, they too are entitled to protect their multiple ways of life – in any way they deem appropriate. For too long, Christians have been treated with kid gloves. This has to end.
(read full story here: http://indiafacts.org/missionary-impossible-why-the-sentinelese-warrior-should-be-a-role-model-for-indians/ )