- President Richard Nixon ( 1972 ) signed Father's Day into law the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day.
- US Census data shows that of the 152 million males in America, 46% of them or 70.1 million are fathers. One third of them are married with children under 18. Two million fathers are single parents.
- Spending on Father’s day is significantly less than what is spent for Mother’s Day, $12.7 billion versus $21 billion for mothers.
- Father’s day is the fourth biggest day for buying and giving greeting cards notes the Greeting Card Association. More cards are purchased for Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.
- Nearly 220,000 men are stay-at-home fathers.
- March 14, Iran;
- March 19, Bolivia, Honduras, Italy, Portugal, Spain
- May 8, South Korea
- June 17, Guatamela, El Salvador;
- August 8, Taiwan and China;
- First Sunday in September, Australia and New Zealand;
- Second Sunday in November, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Estonia.