This is a critical time in American society. As Buddhist teachers and leaders we recognize the importance of all who are eligible to participate in decisions that affect the well being of the whole. A mutual caring community is one of the central teachings of the Buddha.
Many have wondered what you can do at this divisive time. Across the country, tens of millions of eligible voters do not cast their vote – often because they don’t believe their voice matters!
We are joining together with Faith In Action, a NON PARTISAN group of churches, mosques, synagogues and faith communities to help make sure all who are eligible are supported to vote....
Express your commitment and respect for the innate dignity and worth of all. Help to empower the voice of the whole community as a truly important contribution.
You can really make a difference! Please join us. With loving kindness, compassion and blessings,
Yours in the Dharma,
Jack Kornfield
Sharon Salzberg
Joseph Goldstein
Norman Fischer
Lama Surya Das .... and others.