His research revealed 15 minutes of yoga five times a week over a period of three months reduced blood pressure by almost 10%. In the study, 60 individuals with high blood pressure were assigned to either relaxation, deep breathing, stretching, or yoga. After three months, relaxation had no effect on blood pressure, while stretching lowered it by 4.5 percent and deep breathing by 7.1 percent. Those assigned to practice yoga saw the most significant improvements, though, lowering blood pressure by 9.7 percent. Prescription diuretics typically lower blood pressure by 10 to 20 percent. Meaning: Downward dog could be just as good as downing a pill when it comes to lowering your blood pressure.
"This study suggests that some components of yoga, such as deep breathing and stretching, may individually have some blood pressure lowering effects," Professor Metin Avkiran, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, told the Daily Mail.
The young researcher is currently working with a team from Laval University in Quebec, on a trial that includes 500 participants to confirm his findings.