1. Okinawans eat a wide variety of foods, especially vegetables. On average they consume eighteen foods daily. Tip: add far more variety into every daily meal.
2. Okinawans eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Fully one third of their diet calories come from these sources. Tip: Eat the "rainbow" - peppers, cauliflower, carrots, spinach etc.
3. Okinawans make grains the foundation of their diet. White rice is consumed daily with an occasional addition of noodles. Tip: don't be afraid of white rice.
4. Okinawans consume very little sugar. Sweets and chocolates are not a regular part of their diet. Tip: be conservative about desserts.
5. Okinawans consume 1,785 calories per day. North Americans and Europeans consume a whopping 3,540 daily. Tip: eat less. Eating slowly will help you accomplish this.